
Samsung Plans to Use Tiger Strategy to Beat Apple

We are finally in 2022 and for those who do non know, the year is of the water tiger and manifestly, Samsung has decided to take things seriously and is going to work on a plan to beat out Apple tree in the North American market, which is non going to be an easy thing to practice.

According to a study from The Korea Herald, 40 Samsung executives met in Las Vegas alee of the CES 2022 to talk over this year's smartphone strategy, and it is being reported that the plan has the 'Tiger' acronym.

Samsung'south Plan to Shell Apple in North America is Very Ambitious Merely Can They Come up Through?

Co-ordinate to the source, the private messages mean the following,  "Truthful number one in all categories," "Improve flagship market share," closing the "Gap between Apple," "Expanding" the beingness of so-called C-make products like wireless earphones, and aiming for a "Tape twelvemonth."

Additionally, Samsung's mobile principal TM Roh stated the post-obit, "Our MX vision is to shift from a smartphone vendor to an intelligent device company. We volition non be a tech make, only a brand dear by young generations, providing innovative experience."

While the program is certainly an ambitious one and wanting to take hold of up to Apple is non something that many companies are capable of doing. The ground realities are a flake dissimilar. Wherein, Samsung will first demand to address the supply issues that are affecting every manufacturer effectually the earth. Only then it tin can promise to take hold of upwardly with Apple tree and beat them, likewise.

Beingness a Samsung user, I am hoping that the so-called Tiger strategy does work for Samsung and they manage to catch upwards with Apple in the North American market, because how it does correspond as ane of the biggest markets. Allow united states of america know your thoughts beneath.


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